• How to connect best with your children

  • Your children are unique, and you are too!

    First of all, you are the greatest parent for your children, so don't be too hard on yourself!


    No matter what education you intend to provide, your children have their personal formula, and to accomplish this you must know it. If you want to get the best out of them, you need to appreciate their needs and strengths.


    By reading the body, I am able to identify yours and your children's personal formula.


    Then I will help you better understand each other, avoid conflicts and stop wasting precious energy that you could be using on loving them.

  • Testimony

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    "I had the chance to have Johann by my side as a coach. He prepared me both physically and mentally to the challenges I had to face in the future, in the more recreational and innovative way possible. His outstanding ability to listen and his profound knowledge in the field allowed me to grow up faster and it often comes a day when his tips become incredibly useful."


    Loucas, 18 years old

  • Ready to break through? Let's talk...

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