• I help leaders make the best decisions

  • The best decisions require awareness and clarity

    Like top level athletes, leaders must have self-awareness and clarity to be efficient decision makers.


    In 15 minutes, I can give you input on your personal formula and how to define and then adapt to the formulas of your colleagues and those you supervise.


    For companies that utilize personality tests, with my guidance you can learn all of your employees true Myers-Briggs profiles without using a questionnaire.


    The physical body assessments I do are  99% accurate at finding behavioral preferences, because they are not affected by cognitive bias. In comparison, conventional questionnaires are often only 60% accurate due to these biases.

  • Fields of intervention

    One on one coaching


    Use your strengths to make better decisions in your personal and professional life.

    Team training


    Knowing yours and your coworkers' strengths will ensure best team performance.

    Team building


    Create lasting team connection through self-discovery exercises.



    It is costly to hire wrong. I will help you choose the best match for the job.


  • Ready to break through? Let's talk...

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